Council Report – August 2019

by Marty O’Toole

The meeting was called to order with approval of the prior meeting’s minutes.

Visit by District Magistrate, Jack Kobistek

Jack said that he is fully supportive of the truck ordinance recently enacted and with the excellent evidence brought before him in district court, all cases have been found guilty. Both the police and citizens are able to bring a case before his office if the correct procedure and evidence is produced.

Citizens Forum

1. The citizens group working to eliminate combination truck traffic reported the number of combination trucks passing through the boro has been reduced by roughly half with nearly all of that being the progress made with Amazon. There are still nearly three a day and steps to reduce these were discussed. It was agreed that the number may never be reduced to zero but if a truck is spotted, getting a picture of the identifying numbers on the cab, a picture of the trailer and an eye witness followed up with a call to 911 is still the recommended approach.

2. A resident who own property along Angora Road requested an update on the illegal parking along a stretch near the auto garage and requested the Dead End sign that used to be present at the entrance to Angora be reinstalled. Council will advise when they have a solution. It was also suggested that the “No Dumping” signs posted along the boro streets be more aesthetic.

Solicitor’s report

1. The ordinance requiring a permit to place temporary dumpsters was adopted. Contact the code enforcement officer if you or a contractor are considering placement on either boro or private property.

2. The ordinace amending RVs, trailers and fences within the boro will be advertised and a public hearing scheduled at 7:00 PM, September 9th, at the start of the next council meeting. Any concerns should be brought forward at that time.

3. The ordinance governing brush, grass and weeds on private property was again amended based upon review by the code enforcement officer. These changes were accepted, the ordinace will again be advertised with a vote scheduled for the next council meeting.

4. The zoning change requiring building permits for structures 200 Sq Ft and greater requires approval by the PA Department of Labor and Industry. The applicaiton was made but no response has been received.

Mayor’s report

A generally quiet month with 7 false alarms, most coming from a single address. There is an ordinance permitting a charge for responding to false alarms.

Secretary\Treasurer report

1, All current expenses were approved. The audit of the boro financials is complete and all is well. The winter salt order will be placed through SHACOG even though we are no longer a member as this assures the best price and availability.

Committee Reports

1. Public works. Motion approved to advertise for the installation of a guard rail along Angora Road.

2. Parks\Recreation. More information is needed to complete the fee schedule for use of the soccer field.

3. Community Center. The purchase of a plaque honoring Sally Ford was approved. A resident will make a private donation for most of the cost and the boro will pay the remaining balance of approx $300.

The next meeting is scheduled for September 9, 2019, at 7:00 PM