Council Report – February 2020

By Brandon Hall

President Steve Tassaro called the meeting to order at 7pm. Minutes from prior meeting were approved.

Citizen’s Forum- A resident in attendance proposed that a deer crossing sign be installed on Rosslyn Road, as deer frequently cross from the areas around the RF community gardens. The resident also noted that there have been vehicle collisions with deer on that stretch of road. Council welcomed the idea and President Tassaro will be discussing options with Borough staff and vendor currently used for Borough street signs.

Solicitors’s Report- Council approved a motion to adopt new fees and schedules for CE Parchment, as well as new ordinance for Jordan Tax Services to cover delinquent tax services for the Borough.

Secretaty/Treasurer Report- Council approved funding for the triennial pool inspection. All other outstanding bills were approved.

Old Business- Discussion continued on the best approach to repair the damage to the walking trail connecting Edgecliff and Club Road. A survey was conducted to establish the exact boundaries of the paper road and determined that the current path of the walking trail moves outside of the right of way. Council will continue to discuss options to repair and reopen the walking trail affected homeowners, should any repairs be made to the trail an additional survey will be conducted to ensure the path falls within the designated bounds as determined by the homeowners and the right of way of the existing paper road.

New Business- Council reached a decision to hire CE Parchment as a new code enforcement agency for the Borough, replacing NIRA engineering. Matt Malik and Jared Domicko from CE Parchment were in attendance to provide more information on their services for Council. Matt is the primary code technician and also currently serves Thornburg for all code enforcement work. Contact information and website link for CE Parchment can be found on the official Borough website

Bartlett Tree has been hired to work on improving the health of trees in Parrish Park. An initial inspection showed that many of the mature trees are in need of pruning and some preventative maintenance to prevent damage to the roots. A phase 1 set of work on the most critical trees will begin in the coming months. Additionally, some of the larger trees will be braced with cables and any dead or dying limbs will be removed to maintain the overall safety of the park.

The next council meeting is scheduled for March 9th at 7:00pm.