Council Report- May

by Jim Gregory

The meeting was called to order President Steve Tassaro at 7 pm.

Minutes from the April 8th meeting were approved after minor editing regarding zoning ordinances.

Citizen’s Forum: One citizen discussed the growing frustration with the volume of combination truck activity through the borough. Despite posted signs prohibiting combination truck activity through the borough. May is on pace for more than 58 combination truck sightings for the month. Most of the combination truck activity is attributed to Amazon and Giant Eagle. Mayor James Stover has been in communication with a manager for Amazon and an agreement was reached to reduce/eliminate the truck activity in the borough. In the meantime, Scott Township police are ticketing truck drivers $500 for each violation. When combination trucks are sighted in the borough, citizens are recommended to get pictures of the cabs with the Department of Transportation (DOT) and carrier information; Mayor Stover will forward the pictures to Amazon for their use in addressing the violators directly. A discussion was held about the possibility of adding a notice of the $500 fine to the no combination truck signs in the borough, as well as flashing yellow lights and traffic cameras to get the attention of drivers entering the borough. These recommendations will be researched to determine feasibility.

Solicitor’s Report: The borough’s solicitor presented the Ordinances 402 through 406 for the council’s review. The ordinances address changes to personnel manual, building permits, abandoned vehicles, and zoning code, respectively. Most were approved with only minor edits. Once approved by the county, the ordinances will be published for the required amount of time with a public hearing to follow.

Treasurer’s Report: Invoices for the cleaning of the community center windows and the roof repair for the shed at the tennis courts were approved. Public Works/Sewers Report: The cost of the repairs for the ball field were approved. Community Center: A contract for the roof repair of the community center were approved. Pool: The purchase of pool supplies was approved.

Old Business: Parking on Edgecliff and Terrace was discussed.

New Business: Dumping on park property and along Edgecliff and Terrace was discussed.

The public portion of the meeting was ended at 9:25pm and council went on to meet in Executive Session.

The next Council meeting is scheduled for June 17 at 7:00pm Please consult the borough’s website for meeting changes.