Council Report- November 2018

by Chad Green

The November meeting was called to order with the swearing-in of Kate Dewey to council.

The council approved the previous meetings’ minutes and the month’s bills.

Financial Report: The borough started the month with ~$916k and had income of $28k and expenses of $72k. This resulted in an ending balance of ~$872k. This does not include the final paving project bill which Council anticipates will be significantly under budget.

The floor was opened to residents. A questions was posed regarding ownership of the strip of land at the intersection of Park and Kings Hwy. The garden club had voluntarily maintained the area this summer, but does not want to make it a practice. Council informed that the borough will find a solution for the strip of land. Separately, a resident raised concerns regarding the effect borough improvements can have on neighboring properties. Due to road berms directed toward the residents’ driveway. Residents are encouraged to be alert and speak-up if they see contractors performing work in such a way that would unintentionally effect their residence.

There were several open Zoning Board positions which will be filled by volunteers Len Costa, Isabel Ford, and Dave Robb. Council passed a resolution that any applications brought before the Zoning Board need to be accompanied by a $1,000 deposit in order to cover the borough’s costs. All funds exceeding the borough’s recoverable costs will be returned to the applicant.

Authorization is given to Andrea Harkins to sign rental license agreements on behalf of the Borough for building rentals. A similar arrangement is planned regarding the Borough and the renting pool.

Borough funds will be directed to repair the damage to the tennis courts caused by the large tree which fell due to the rains earlier this summer. Additionally, the borough is watching the pool for any possible piping leaks.

Data is being processed for the speed monitoring device. Findings will be reported in a future council meeting.

The next meeting is scheduled for December 10 at 7 p.m.