Council Report-October 2019

by Jim Gregory

The meeting was called to order by President Steve Tassaro at 7 pm. Minutes from the prior meeting were approved.

Public Hearing: The Accessory Structure Ordinance was discussed. The ordinance establishes the procedures for obtaining a building permit for any new structure or addition greater than 200 square feet.

Citizen’s Forum: One citizen conveyed concerns with using the Post-Gazette for the public notice requirement for new or revised ordinances. Borough code requires the ordinances be published in a newspaper of central circulation. A suggestion was made by the citizen regarding using Last Word or the community’s Facebook page in addition to the Post-Gazette.

Solicitor’s Report: The Accessory Structure Ordinance was presented and approved by council. The police contract with Scott Township is up for renewal. The proposed two-year contract includes a 2 percent increase over the prior contract. The council must approve new contract by ordinance and the ordinance must then be advertised. The decision to approve the new contract was tabled for the next meeting.

Public Works/Sewers Report: Two bids have been received for the work on the guardrail along Angora. Three bids are required. A discussion was held about the concerns with the nature trail at the end of Edgecliff with no clear solutions identified.

Engineer Report: There are three locations within the borough with potential breaks in the sewer line. A camera will be required to determine the condition of the pipe in these locations.

Secretary/Treasurer Report: Council approved the identified disbursement requests. The 2018 audit recommends a separate accounting for the general fund and the need for more frequent deposits. The latest version of the operating budget was discussed with several tweaks offered.

Community Center Commission: A new resolution to allow the Commission to manage the old schoolhouse building was approved by council. It was recommended that Isabel Ford replace Sylvia Bergstedt on the commission. Once added. Isabel with serve a liaison to the Community Club. The council approved to add Isabel to the Community Center Commission. In addition, the budget for the schoolhouse was discussed and a rebate for converting lighting to LED. The commission decided not to pursue a historic designation for the schoolhouse because of limitations involved. The bell tower dedication will occur on Saturday 11/2/19 at 1 pm with an open house to follow the dedication.  The open house will include historic displays of the schoolhouse.

The next meeting is scheduled for December 9, 2019, at 7:00 PM