Council Report December 2019

by Lori Feola

The meeting was called to order by President Steve Tassaro at 7 pm. It was noted that it was the last meeting for the council members. Nate Prepelka and Tina Stacey (not in attendance.) They were recognized and thanked for serving multiple terms. New members of the council will be sworn in at the January meeting. Minutes from the prior meeting were approved.

Citizen’s Forum – A resident was in attendance to get an update on the landside on Edgecliff Road at the entrance to the walking trail and the related issues of the trail ownership (a paper road ) and preservation of community access to the trail. A committee of two council members and an additional resident was established at the November meeting to investigate the ownership issues related to the paper road and the next steps. They have contacted the affected property owners and investigated options. Council discussed three courses of possible action with regards to ownership and access. Two would result in the borough taking ownership of the trial. The primary difference between the options is that one would be initiated by residents and the second by the borough. In either scenario, 51% of abutting property owners would need to consent and surveys would be required. The third option would involve corrective deeds to reflect ownership by the property owners to the center of the trail which could limit future use of the trail if property owners would decide to limit access. Council asked the solicitor to draft an Affidavit of Resident Consent and will get an engineering proposal before deciding the next steps.

Engineer’s Report – The contractor who was awarded the guard rail work on Angora Lane has been delayed but the work is expected to be started soon.

Mayor’s Report – The police activity for the month was summarized – see separate report. The mayor requested approval to give $25 to each of the Scott Township Police officers as a holiday gift. Approval was granted for the Treasurer to issue payments.

Secretary/Treasurer’s Report  – Disbursements were reviewed and approved for payment.

ALCOSAN rates are increasing January 1st. Under a previously approved ordinance, these rate changes are automatically passed through to residents. The rate change increases the ALCOSAN portion of the sewer fees from $7.94/1,000 gallons to $8.50/1,000 gallons.

The use of Jordan Tax Services for delinquent tax collections was discussed. Currently collection of delinquent amounts is the responsibility of the borough. Jordan Tax could take over the process. They would keep fees assessed to the taxpayer and turn the full amount of taxes over so there is no cost to the borough. Council will move ahead with the steps necessary to make the changes.

The budget was discussed. a balanced operating budget with no mileage increase was proposed. A separate capital budget will be prepared.  A current year net surplus is expected with any carry forward dollars going into a capital reserve. Because compensation related changes were part of the budget, it was discussed further in executive session before approval.

New Business – NIRA engineering notified the borough that they will no longer be providing building inspector/zoning officer/code enforcement officer services. Three proposals have been received however two of them do not include enforcement services. There have also been discussions with Scott Township about possibly partnering for the code enforcement services. NIRA engineering will complete the three open permits. Residents should refer to the borough website ( for code information and should contact the (

Community Center Report – A new microwave and stove have been purchased and will be installed. Repairs and painting are planned for the hallway, stairwell and Calvert Room. Doggrell painting submitted the winning bid and will begin work the first week in January.